Set the width of the tab character

In our Web Standards podcast, we often discuss new features and changes from the latest browsers’ release notes. Imagine my impressions when I found the next text in Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 124.

Supported animation of the tab-size CSS property (r274939)

The first one: “WAT? We had tab-size property all this time?”

The second one: “WAAAAAT? It can even be animated?”

tab vs space

At the beginning of time, an endless war began. What should I use to indent my code? One character that costs 1 byte to store, or 4 characters that cost 4 bytes? If you have 1KB of memory on your storage device, it’s pretty critical.

Today we have a 2MB median page on the web, so who cares? Code minification, gzip, and IDE settings are your best friends to avoid the holy war. For example, I use EditorConfig for all my projects. Just to be sure I and my collegues use the same code style.

But what if I prefer tabs and want to show some code snippet to somebody who prefers spaces? How can I help him or her to save the peace of mind?


Let’s make a demo. I want to share the snippet that shows how to use a tab-size property.

pre {
	tab-size: 4;

You can’t see it by default but I use a \t character to make an indentation. And because of the default styles of Prism code highlighter attached to my blog, it looks the same as the next snippet with 4 spaces to indent.

pre {
    tab-size: 4;

Let’s change the value.

pre {
    tab-size: 8;
	color: black;

Now you can see the difference when your colleague has made a commit with --no-verify, oh, little villain.

So, the tab-size: 4 in CSS says “I want to make a tab character width equal to 4 space characters width”. And it works!

But I can make this width not relative but absolute.

pre {
	tab-size: 1em;

If you read this article in Safari 13-, sorry — you won’t see the difference. But for other browsers, you can set the width of \t to absolute units like px, em, etc.

And yeah, it can be animated.

pre {
	tab-size: 4;
	animation: tab 3s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

@keyframes tab {
	from { tab-size: 1; }
	to { tab-size: 8; }

Pretty useless, but fun!

Don’t forget about vendor prefixes, tab-size still requires a -moz- prefix in Firefox. Add your vote here to increase the bug weight.

IE? No.


Webmentions [?]

  1. Если вы разрабатываете фичу просмотра кода, CSS-свойство tab-size поможет решить вам как минимум одну вечную проблему. Например, GitHub для управления шириной табуляции использует атрибуты: .tab-size[data-tab-size="8"] { tab-size: 8; }